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GRAV® Medium Upright Bubbler

GRAV® Medium Upright Bubbler

SKU: 15-1224

Regular price $120.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $120.00 USD
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The GRAV® Upright Bubbler is 7" tall and made on 44mm tubing. Its fission downstem diffuses smoke through water and is fixed inside the bubbler to prevent damage. Its angled mouthpiece acts as a splashguard, and its lip wrap is tooled for comfort. The upright bubbler comes ready to use with a 14mm cup bowl and works best with approximately 2" of water.

Product comes with assorted label colors: any of black, white, blue, green, red, purple, yellow, orange, or etch.

JOINT 14mm Female
COMES WITH 14mm Cup Bowl
DESIGNED BY Stephan Peirce

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